Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Tale of Hastings Von Brindlethorpe

Out of work due to a drought, Hastings Von Brindlethorpe created the worlds first "unbailer" which sent all of the hay that he had bailed back throughout the field, allowing him to continue working. One day he slipped on a banana peel and fell into the machine, sending him into the murky waters of the great unknown.


Melvina said...

wow dude! your photoshop skills are like badaaasss!!! what a morbid story.

Andres Salaff said...

its acrylic.

Dr. Fish said...

mymainthestateoftheunionjackkerowickwickwacomtabletofthecovenant. how you be? the work looks so so. just kidding, we love it - were passing an i-phone around at the bar showing it off before we realized doing that kind of thing isn't cool. stay up up and away. -fish

Einar/Baldvin said...

I showed this to my buddy Dolph, he said: If he dies, he dies.

He also said Moscow has the best clubs in the world.

Andres Salaff said...

Dr fish stick ball bearing straight shooter mcgavin.
thanks brosifus. much appreciated.

Yes count baldvin. dolf doesn't care if he lives or dies or dances to russian techno banquets as long as he lives well enough and long enough to die well...

k' said...

Salut mec !!! Comment tu vas ? J'espère que vous n'avez pas trop get fat Mel et toi avec mes gâteaux héhéhé !!! En tout cas fais un bisous a Gaelle de ma part, c'était sympas de les ramener jusqu'a LA!!!
A bientot mec

Maïlys said...

j'adore, c'est très étrange, comme d'habitude :)

Andres Salaff said...

eh kherveen! ouais, j'arrette pas de get fat depuis les gateaux mais c'est mieux que de ne pas getter fat. a plus mec!

merci maillys, j'ai ravi de voir votre projet!

Ock said...

I heard Hasting Von Brindlethorpe was related to Rick Springfield?

Anonymous said...


Andres Salaff said...

Hastings ghost wrote "Jesse's girl."

Thanks Nick, takes one to know one my good sir.

Blanton Ross said...

I like this very much